May 18, 2021

May 18th   Post on current events.  This is a staggering time!   Since (as stated before)   A SEA Gallery had to close due to the "pandemic"   and I, NOW  the sole  member of this organization,   am still a socially engaged artist,  will write periodically about what I think is occuring on Planet Earth.  I have concluded the Covid 19 virus was created by some lab, probably in the USA as a from of bio-enginiering.   While we were told that the different vaccines had been tested as 90% + affectiveness to prevent the spread; then we were told it would not prevent our getting,it so we must continue wearing masks.   The masks depersonalize everything.  One does not recognize friends (or who are unfriendly)  everyone, bandits and benign look the same.   I have yet to meet a person with Covid, but in the meantime I have lost 3 siblings, 2  to cancer and one to complications of a stroke, not helped by the fire that burnt down Paradise. Ca. and leveled her home and almost melted her car as she barely escaped in a 7 hour drive. To force people to get the vaccine is Facist.  It's proof of affectiveness is nil.  But my own experience with being around vaccinated people is =  something is wrong.    The vaccinated people are shedding toxins to others.   Put a magnet on to the point where the needle went into the arm:  the magnet sticks!   There is aluminum in the mix.  And i have further proof of it.  And Nanobots (sp?)   Those in power want this all dismissed as a 'conspiracy' theory.  Well it's not just a theory;  it is a conspiracy.  The truth will emerge.  Trust your gut. not your government.