July 19, 2019

NMHU Painter's Exhibition at Kennedy Hall

A SEA Gallery artist, Monika Steinhoff will have three  pieces featured in the upcoming 6th Annual Painter's Exhibition at New Mexico Highlands University, from September 8th though October 31st of this year.   The first painting, "Early Meltdown "  was inspired by a trip to Alaska where her oldest son was starting  school at the University of Alaska, but wanted to snowboard at Valdez on his way. 
Steinhoff states:  "I love cross country skiing and took advantage of my time while my son pursued his favorite sport.  It was late January '97.    The foggy atmosphere and unusual warmth was both  magical and disturbingly dreamlike.    I skiied straight ahead (according to my compass)  mesmerized by the pools around the trees which mirrored small rainbows, to find myself facing a building that looked exactly like what I had left an hour earlier. How odd I thought.  It took me a few moments to realize i had skiied in a circle!    Later that year as I worked on this painting, I felt it was a clear sign of 'Global Warmng.' "

Early Meltdown

Head Above Water
