March 28, 2020

March 28, 2020

Isn't this the way things go!     Collectors were finally coming again as Winter days grew warmer and longer, slowly changing to Spring;  in mid January A SEA Gallery had a good sale and also in mid February and now the world is in 'pandemic'  lock down!  We do get to decide (to some extent )  what activity, while guarded, is essential.  While humans willingly let themselves be defined as "consumers"  and corporations become humans, it's time that those of us who genuinely care about the Earth, Nature and time honored traditions, assert our selves and our values.  "Consuming"  pushed by corporate greed destroys the Earth while  Art heals and Art is essential.  So A SEA Gallery which serves only dedicated art lovers and supporters, one human at a time (spaced apart days, weeks or months at a time) will not close it's doors.  Mostly I will be in my studio, the separate building at the back, but not closed to the few collectors looking for true art.  Call 505 9140 or if no answer 988-4920. 
   Monika Steinhoff''s  50 year Retrospective was seen by too  few visitors and will remain open until this pandemic is over since this is the only opportunity to see such a substantial number of paintings spanning half a Century.   These six images where in Part I  of the Retrospective and are from the period of 1985 to '95.