New Show Opening: Ardell Rainwater
A SEA Gallery Presents:
A "Pop Up" show for outsider, self-taught artist Ardell Rainwater.
Opening reception Friday, August 3rd, 5 - 7:30 pm; Closing Celebration August 18th, 3 - 5 pm.
"Hidden Gems Revealed"
Ardell Rainwater was born in a small town in Utah and has lived in several different states, including Alabama, Colorado, and California. Now a resident of Albuquerque, he is a self taught artist, who began with graffiti at the age of 14, and later stumbled upon canvas painting in a chance encounter.
"My subject matter is usually based on
what is going on in the world at the time of painting . I often
juxtapose original images and pop culture images together to convey
my message. I've used images from television sitcoms like "The Simpsons" or the DeLorean from ''Back to the Future,'' all the
way to reinterpreting childhood books like ''Where the Wild Things Are''. Because I'm using references of current
culture and events, I feel like one hundred years from now my artwork may
not be relevant or it may not matter to anyone, but I know
right now my art is new and is a new wave."
(excerpt from artist statement)