Friedrich Geier's 5 beautiful "Drawings" are as follows:
1) "Laufende Frau" [Running Woman] medium: Feltpen & Ink
2) "Sitz der Gefuehle" [Locus of Emotions] " "
3) "Rickies zweiter Traum" [Rickies 2nd Dream] " "
4) "Skilla" [Faces, Women] " "
5) "Sandfrauen" [Beachwomen] " "
These drawings must be seen in their physical incarnation as the texture and detail cannot be adequately reproduced. Each one takes many, many hours and patience like a meditation. They are totally unique in Geier's combination of figurative and abstract: Does the figure grow out of the abstracted energy? or does the expression of energy derive from the figure? [It is very fluid. And exiting.] Are the works giving form to eminations of energy or are the figures, landscape and it's inhabitants desolving into energy?
Come see what you think and feel about these works by Friedrich Geier. Friday,
MARCH 20th, 4 -7 pm 407 S. Guadalupe St.
A SEA Gallery Everyone who has viewed them so far is very impressed. 988-9140