December 23, 2013

The aSEA Gallery Raffle is proceeding  well -less than 10 tickets are still available for sale.  Images of prizes available for all ticket holders are below  (grand Prize - $2400. Painting)  all others can choose work for 100 - 150. (The images are not edited due to lack of time.)

December 4, 2013

Pallas Athena is the title of this  painting which will be Raffled on December 28th, Saturday at 4 pm at
A SEA Gallery  407 S. Guadalupe in the S F Railyard.   Only 35 tickets will be sold, and 6 people will win a prize.  The gallery is a collective, showing work that commercial galleries do not sell or even carry.  It plays a very special role in the Santa Fe art scene. 988-9140

November 5, 2013

Expressive impressionist David Warren's paintings  and photographs will be featured during the monthly Railyard Artwalk  at A SEA Gallery  Friday November 28th.

October 28, 2013

A  SEA Gallery is holding a Raffle.  Tickets will be sold  until December 28 th or when the limit of 35 sub-  subscribers is reached.  The 1st winner will receive  a painting of the winner's choice by Monika Steinhoff valued at 2400.  The next 5 winners will get a choice of 100.-300.    The rest of the     subscribers will have helped the success of the gallery. Price of  tickets [100. each]  and can be purchased by calling the Gallery [988-9140, emailing, or visiting  the Gallery at 407 S. Guadalupe, Santa Fe Railyard.

Last week the Gallery had a visit from Michelle, Director NM Art ( NMA).  NMA facilitates the purchase of artwork from artists around the state of NM through the  1% for Art program  which  has been in existence for more than 2 decades.  Periodically NMA puts out a call to artists around the state to submit images from which purchases are made for new buildings.  A SEA Gallery will collect images from it's artists in an ongoing process to be ready for the next call.

October 9, 2013

Back in Santa Fe;  good to be home.  Can't believe it's been less than a week,  though I'm still not totally unpacked, I have done so much-- including hiking to get my grounding after all the EMF I've been exposed to and am suffering from!  But' mind over matter' is a good discipline and helps.  Brought (or shipped)  back 16 paintings, still unpacking those. Some of them will be featured in the gallery  from  October 17 - 27 after which  unsold work will remain and become part of a Spring retrospective of Monika Sterinhoff's work.

September 30, 2013

Just a short message from Berlin:  Lovely day with sunshine - visited Frankfurt an der Oder -  much of the old Russian occupation  ugliness is still there like in much of the previous east but also beautiful parks, incredible trees and water!  I am sending back a group of paintaings that have not been seen in the USA due to exhibitions in Germany only. So the 4th Friday Railyard exhibit  in October will focus on this `new`work.   It's been a wonderful trip.  Monika

September 24, 2013

Monika Steinhoff is in Berlin since 1 week.  The artist visited her birthplace, Swinemünde and swam 5 times in the very refreshing waters of the Baltic Sea.  In Berlin she visited the Preview Berlin, the annual international art fair.  Artists and galleries from all over the world,  as far as Japan and Austrialia as  well as China and many eastern block countries.  The art in aSEA Gallery would have made a good showing, and perhaps it will be  there physically soon.  Tomarrow she meets her art rep Peggy Lange in Dreseden to make plans for the future.  

August 20, 2013

August 20,    Full Moonplan:    Friday, August 30th 5 - 7 A SEA Gallery will highlight the sculptures of Anne Russell for the last Friday Railyard Artwalk. 

August 2, 2013

Friday August 2nd:  Robert Ensor is back from NYC and will be gallery sitting a few days each month.  We are very happy to have him back and also as Matt Mirancda has had to drop out due to his ailing mom needing his presence ( in another state).  We will miss him and his work and wish him much success in his future.  The "Collective" nature of the gallery is expanding very nicely and also becoming more focused on socially reflective work.

July 16, 2013

Robert Ensor Sculpture

                                                                     Chief Sambo
                                                            Monsanto Yellowhead Tuna
                                                                 My Ships come In

July 5, 2013

July 4th - work from Freedom

a SEA Gallery has taken on four wonderful, new artists:  joining Robert Ensor in the Outsider Art category is Bill Kaderly whom I learned about through an article in the May THE Magazine.  I drove to Gila, NM  last weekend and saw Bill's gallery/studio/home  which should qualify as a museum with fascinating creatures everywhere one  looked, made from stones, branches and even some modern stuff that is sprayed from a can  and has the look of cactus when finished: snakes, persons, birds, cats. One hallmark of "Outsider" along with self-taught, talented, acute sense of color, beauty and line, etc. is obsessiveness:  the is no end to the  number and variety of beings inhabiting Kaderly's space.  I brought back a couple of dozen pieces,  attempting a definitive selection and it is good and representative, but there is so much more
   Liz Pawlak, a painter retired from a more economically calculable career  has embarked on narrative paintings addressing  global warming.   Susan Jay's beautiful  Retables are well know from the days of Guadalupe Gallery; working with tin and copper, her frames are totally part of the art work.   Anne Russell's   small elegant figurative ceramic sculptures are a perfect fit for the gallery, and so now  we are complete! 

June 18, 2013

Monsanto and other Slights of Hand

Monsanto has done its environmental undermining for over 50 years, they vilified Rachel Carson for fighting DDT in the 60s. And now want to keep modifying the genetics of food, along with other corporate 'takeovers' (of water, air, land). So Robert Ensor's "Yellow Fish" is high lighted in the last Friday Art walk at A SEA Gallery on June 28th.  

Come see Robert Ensor's work; it is really strong, unusual and timely. Here is an image for the last Friday Railyard Artwalk show entitled: "Monsanto and other Slights of Hand", June 28th, 5-7 pm at A SEA Gallery 407 Guadalupe St.  

May 21, 2013

May 21,'13  A SEA Gallery has 3 new artists:  Metalurgist, Matthew Miranda who re- discovered a metal made in 12th Century Japan and has learned to  produce it for decorative and useful art objects.   Elaine Alghani who makes exquisite Shamanic healing necklaces and Robert Ensor sculptor who incorporates found objects in  his socially conscious work with beauty and humor. Ensor's work will be introduced at the last Friday Railyard Artwalk, May 31 from 5 - 7 and through the Memorial Day weekend and beyond. 

March 19, 2013

Talona V. 's Moondancer, Elephant, Jemez etc.

New artist in gallery:  Elaine Alghani,from L.A. creator of beautiful Shaministic, healing pendants and elaborate necklaces.  Will add images soon.

March 18, 2013

Gates of Wisdom

Elaine Alghani, a chaministic jewelry artist from L.A. has joined A SEA Gallery with 7 pieces of her beautiful works.  Check the front window desplayor come in to view  her pieces. We are still on winter hours, open Thurs. - Sun and by appointment.

February 27, 2013